MAXAY DOWLADDA SOOMAALIYA UBAAHANTAHAY SI AY DHAQAALAHA KOR UGU QAADO? Soomaaliya oo ah dal kheyraadka dabiiciga hodan ku ah ayaa si wanaagsan oga faa’iideysanin
Somali Woman Entrepreneurs Somali Women owned businesses are highly increasing in the economies of almost all regions in the country. The hidden entrepreneurial potentials of
Somali Economy Somalia is endowed with entrepreneurs who have been able to flourish in the conflict-ridden country, and the Somali diaspora remains committed
Dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya ee Maanta Inkastoo aanay jirin hab dawladeed sax ah oo si fiican u shaqaynaya,hadana soomaaliya waxay joogtaysay dhaqaalaha aan rasmiga ahayn ee kasoo